Physiotherapy for Babies

At Kids Physiotherapy we offer services to babies in a playful and supportive environment. At Kids Physiotherapy we will assess your baby and provide you with a custom home program that may incorporate play-based exercises, specific stretches and strengthening exercises, therapeutic taping techniques, sensory input (eg use of vibration), handling and positioning strategies. There is evidence that physiotherapists may be able to assist your baby with the following conditions (give us a call for further information):

  • Head Shape Asymmetries (Plagiocephaly/Brachycephaly/Scaphocephaly)
  • Torticollis – Favouring of neck rotation to one side due to muscle tightness
  • Stiffness (high tone/hypertonia) of your baby’s trunk, arms and legs
  • Floppiness (low tone/hypotonia) of your baby’s trunk, arms and legs
  • Delays in the your baby’s movement skills (eg rolling, sitting, crawling)
  • Foot and leg orthopaedic anomalies (eg in-turning, out-turning)
  • Upper limb orthpaedic anomalies (eg hand fisting, Erb’s palsy/brachial plexus injury)
  • Movement delays associated with premature births (<36K) and low birth weight babies (<1500g)

At Kids Physiotherapy we will assess your baby and provide you with a custom home program that may incorporate play-based exercises, specific stretches and strengthening exercises, therapeutic taping techniques, sensory input (eg use of vibration), handling and positioning strategies.

We will refer appropriately to other services that may assist your child such as speech pathologists, health care nurses, orthotists (for correction helmets), paediatricians and orthopaedic specialists.


Physiotherapy for Toddlers and Young Children

At Kids Physiotherapy we deliver innovative and fun sessions to toddlers. We can assist your toddler with a variety of conditions including;

  • Stiffness (high tone/hypertonia) in your toddler’s trunk, arms and legs
  • Floppiness (low tone/hypotonia) in your toddler’s trunk arms and legs
  • Delays in achieving movement skills (eg walking, climbing, jumping)
  • Frequent falls, poor balance, poor coordination
  • Foot and leg orthopaedic anomalies (eg locking of knees, in-turning, out-turning, tip-toe walking)
  • Favoring use of one arm

At Kids Physiotherapy we understand working with toddlers may be challenging due to separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is part of normal emotional and cognitive development in toddlers. Consequently, at Kids Physiotherapy we strive for a nurturing, playful and fun environment when working with toddlers and consistently involve the active participation of parents during the sessions.

Treatment for your toddler may involve education, specific stretches and strengthening exercises, play-based exercises, therapeutic taping techniques, sensory input (eg vibration, swinging) and footwear advice.

We will refer appropriately to other services if required such as speech pathologists, occupational therapists, orthotists, paediatricians and orthopaedic specialists.